Usage Notes:
  To force a data source use plot_soundings.php?source=xx
           where xx is:
                    uw = University of Wisconsin
                unisys = Unisys
                   cod = College of DuPage
            local_file = a local file who's name is specified by &name=hhhhZ_dd_MMM_yy.txt

  Low level files may be adjusted left or right using the following switch:
    plot_soundings_php?range=<temperature_range> where <temperature_range> is:
                   hot = right edge 110F 
                  warm = right edge 100F 
                  cool = left edge 25F 
                  cold = left edge 15F 

    (default value for <temperature_range> is set in file "range.txt")

         Attempting to get data from COD
         Using data from CoD